The Programs of Study are based on the practical, real-world needs of current and future farmers and gardeners. Please note: The Earth Mother Renewal Project is not a formal school. We do not offer degrees or diplomas and none of our courses are eligible for academic credit. All of the programs and courses offered through our website are solely intended to provide personal enrichment and knowledge.
Individuals can select from a sequence of informal and semi-formal courses which have been developed by experts in their respective fields. Students may be eligible to receive either a Certificate of Completion or a Certificate of Training for some courses completed. See course details for more information.
To provide wide access to our courses, we do not charge tuition or exorbitant fees. In fact, most of the courses are offered completely free in a home-study format -- as either an interactive online course on the internet or by using downloadable materials. On the other hand, some courses do require some form of textbook, workbook, and/or training manual that is not available for free. Other courses require our organization to spend funds to facilitate and instruct the course. Students enrolling in either of these types of courses only pay the actual direct costs associated with conducting the course.
To assist in further reducing the price of the course for pre-approved, low-income students - the actual costs we incur are adjusted on a sliding-scale based on student and family income. Please note that any required third-party fees, textbooks and other materials, as described in the course description, will not be eligible for sliding-scale adjustments and must be paid for, in full, in advance.

Our New Farmer Program is designed to assist a new farmer, rancher or gardener to gain the knowledge, skills and experience they will need to successfully begin farming using a wide variety of different conservation agriculture methods and techniques.
The Existing Farmer Program allows an individual who is already farming to select from among the Adult Farmer courses to learn how they can improve the ecology of their own farm operation and all the benefits doing so can provide the grower, rancher or gardner.

Inspired by the Junior Master Gardener Program taught in schools, elementary and middle schools, children will enjoy working with their parents and/or grandparents on our Junior Gardening Courses as a way to jump start their future. As an added bonus, it is amazing what adults can learn from children.
High school and college aged students who enroll in our Young Farmers Program will be able to select the courses they which to complete to meet their own goals and aspirations.

This program involves studying new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement natural and organic agricultural methods and techniques.
Natural agriculture requires implementing a holistic approach to farming or gardening, commonly referred to in recent years as agricultural ecology or agriecology.
Whether you are intending to seek certification through the Naturally-Grown, the USDA Organic or a similar program, or you are simply looking for a way to introduce a more natural way of gardening - this program might just be what you've been looking for.

Both of our Sustainable Agriculture programs focus on assisting individuals to be a self-sufficient and self-reliant farmer while maintaining a balanced and healthy whole-farm environment.
The Alternative Farming Program introduces participants to conservation agriculture techniques such as no-till, cover crops and other natural soil-building methods which can be implemented on farms and gardens of any size.
The Small Farm Program introduces participants to systems such as Permaculture, Hugelkultur and related alternatives to traditional farming and gardening methods. While the focus is on farms and gardens that are of less than 10 acres, these systems can be implemented on much larger properties.
Short courses are offered for free or at-cost by experts in their respective fields. Please note that, while academic credit is not available for any of these courses, students may receive professional or industry credit for attending some of the specialized short courses. An example is the Produce Safety Alliance's "Grower Training Course" which results in a nationally-recognized "Grower Training Certificate" from the Association of Food and Drug Officials. This course is taught by trainers from the Produce Safety Alliance at Cornell University
To assist in reducing the price of at-cost courses for low-income students - the actual cost assessed is adjusted on a sliding-scale based on student and family income. Please note that third-party fees, textbooks and other materials will not be eligible for sliding-scale adjustments and must be paid for, in full, in advance.
Except as noted below or in the specific course description, students will receive a Certificate of Training for each short course completed. Please note that no certificate will be issued to presentation or symposium attendees.

We can arrange for experts to be available at public events or to groups, organizations, etc. to present on a wide variety of topics and may include question-and-answer sessions.
Presentations are typically one to four hours long.

We can host or co-host symposiums which allow the experts to provide different presentations and/or lead discussion groups on a range of related topics.
Symposiums are typically one to two full day events.

Workshops provide the opportunity for participants to gain practical, hands-on experience in learning a new skill or completing a task.
Workshops typically last for between one to four hours.

Practicuums are much more extensive, more detailed workshops that cover the complete range of skills and/or tasks needed to implement a project.
Practicuums typically require between one to several days to complete.
As you read through the descriptions below, please be aware that, except for the Agricultural Roundtable, these mentoring opportunities are not 'official' projects of The Earth Mother Renewal Project. Over many years of observing the interaction between participants in our programs, projects, and prior forms of the Roundtable these types of opportunities frequently arise independently and privately. We can and will provide information that can assist individuals to work out the details regarding a mutual agreement involving a mentoring relationship; however, we will not formally offer, host, or direct any mentoring activity.
If you are interested in either offering or seeking a mentoring opportunity, we suggest you post your offer or request on the Roundtable discussion forum.

We will be hosting or co-hosting a variety of different specialized courses on behalf of other agencies and organizations who offer short courses that may lead to a certification or license. Training examples may include farm, food or produce safety, hazardous materials handling, state private pesticide applicator, and agricultural severe weather spotter training.
Certificates or licenses for these courses will be issued by the conducting organization, not The Earth Mother Renewal Project.
Course lengths vary. Please see the course description for more details.

We will also be hosting many other short courses that combine the theory behind the material being studied ('why') with practical, hands-on training and experience ('how'). All students who successfully complete a short course will receive a Certificate of Training for that course.
Course lengths vary. Please see the course description for more details.

Apprenticeships provides the opportunity for one or more individuals to spend time on one or more farms or ranches engaged in hands-on learning from experienced farmers or ranchers. It allows the individuals to gain a detailed understanding of a mutually-agreed upon list of specific skills, tasks, and/or methods required to be successful in specific aspects of farming or ranching.

An internship allows an individual to spend up to an entire year working on a specific farm or ranch learning all aspects of the overall management and operation of a farm or ranch from an experienced farmer or rancher.
Please note that both the Internal Revenue Service and the US Department of Labor consider most internships as being part-time or full-time, temporary employment. Plan accordingly.

​The Agricultural Roundtable is an online discussion forum for farmers, ranchers and gardeners to get together to address issues of mutual concern or interest and to seek cooperative assistance and solutions when problems or situations arise. Members in different areas will also have the opportunity to engage in face-to-face get-togethers.

Whether it's learning a new method or technique or it's simply finding a better way of doing something, having another farmer or rancher who's been there - done that to help frequently makes the entire process much, much easier.